Higher Education Circulars

S.No Circular No Subject Date
F1(46)(A)RB/2015/2770 Dress Code at Convocations 13.04.2016
F1(23)RB/2016/3905 Research Cell on Great Personality 16.05.2016
F1(23)RB/2016/3907 Kulgeet 16.05.2016
F1(23)RB/2016/3906 National Flag 16.05.2016
F.1(38)RB/2015/4906 Marking System and Remuneration 10.06.2016
F1(29)RB/2015/3989 Biometric Attendance 19.06.2015
F1(25)RB/95/6786 Leave/Duty Leave/Foreign Visits/Headquarter leave 12.08.2016
F1(46)RB/2015/7980 Model Holiday Calendar 29.09.2016
F1(46)RB/2015/7979 Model Academic Calendar 29.09.2016
F1(10)(A)(5)RB/2016/9206 Separate Accounts cadre for Universities 10.11.2016
F1(10)(A)(6)RB/2016/9218 RTPP Act and RAPSAR Act 11.11.2016
F1(10)(A)(7)RB/2016/9304 Registrar and Controller of Finance should be Link Officer 16.11.2016
F1(10)(A)(9)RB/2016/9302 Annual Property returns 16.11.2016
F1(47)RB/2016/9845 State Universities to be platform for Cashless Society 08.12.2016
F1(10)(A)(1)RB/2016/9822 UGC qualifications for appointment of teachers 08.12.2016
F.1(47)RB/2016/9930-31 Guidelines for Cashless 14.12.2016
F.1(51)RB/2016/123-127 Post Harvest Activities. 06.01.2017
F.1(52)RB/2016/130 Role of the State Universities as "Capacity Builders" in the age of a digitized economy. 06.01.2017
F.1(10)(A)(8)RB/2016/1374 DRAFT APAR formats for All Cadres 16.02.2017
F.1(42)RB/2016/1497-98 Workshop/Seminar on the issue of "Academic Ethics and Integrity" 17.02.2017
F.1(10)(A)(10)RB/2016/2432 To frame transparent transfer policy for students. 16.03.2017
F.1(46)(C)RB/2015:3281 Ph.D. Guidelines 21.04.2017
F.1(46)(F)RB/2015/4405 Model Academic Calendar 2017-18 06.06.2017
F.1(46)(F)RB/2015/4402 Holiday Calendar 2017-18 06.06.2017
F.1(38)/RB/2015/6462 माननीय राज्यपाल एवं कुलाधिपति महोदय द्वारा विश्ववि़द्यालयों में मानदेय एवं पारिश्रमिक दरों को निर्धारित करने का अनुमोदन किया गया। 21.08.2017
F.1(11)RB/2015/PART/4928 राज्य वित्त पोषित विश्वविद्यालयों के स्तर पर भविष्य में की जाने वाली भर्तियों के संबंध में निर्देश 19-06-2018
F.1(11)RB/2015/PART/4935 विश्वविद्यालयों में दीक्षान्त समारोह के सम्बन्ध में 19-06-2018
F.1(30)RB/2018/5397 माननीय राज्यपाल एवं कुलाधिपति महोदय द्वारा राज्य वित्त पोषित विश्वविद्यालयों में शैक्षणिक एवं प्रशासनिक उत्कृष्टता के संबंध में 12 सूत्रीय विस्तृत दिशा-निर्देश 04-07-2018
F.1(46)(F)RB/2015 Part(1)/6306 Model Academic Calendar 2018-19 02-08-2018
F.1(46)(F)RB/2015 Part(1)/6304 Holiday Calendar 2018-19 02-08-2018
F.1(29)RB/2015/4749 बायोमेट्रिक उपस्थिति के सम्बन्ध में 22-06-2019
F.1(39)RB/1996 Part/6378 Regarding the provision of Reservation Roster in Universities 21-08-2019
F.1(46)(F)RB/2015PART1/6881 Minutes of Meeting-Same Holiday Calendar for Technical, Agriculture and Specialized Universities -06-08-2019 05-09-2019
F.1(4)()RB/2019/8736 कृषि विश्वविद्यालय की सम्पत्तियों / दायित्व का मूल विश्वविद्यालय से बंटवारे सम्बन्धी विवादों का निस्तारण एवं राज्य वित्त पोषित विश्वविद्यालयों में पेंशन एवं अन्य भुगतानों सम्बन्धी समस्याओं का स्थायी समाधान किये जाने हेतु कमिटी का गठन 19-11-2019
F.1(32)RB/2016/8938 Regarding compliance of the guidelines issued by Raj Bhavan for Chancellor nomination 25-11-2019
F.1(25)RB/95/366 Regarding application for Leave/ Duty Leave/Foreign Tour 15/01/2020
F.1(22)RB/2010/625 Regarding the nominations of serach or selection committee for the appointment of vice chancellor 31-08-2020
F.1(25)RB/95/198 Regarding Leave/Foreign Journey/ Headquarter Permission 13-01-2021
543 Regarding policy decision 01-02-2022
F.2(3)RB/2022/3683 To ensure fair and transparent conduct of university examinations 15-07-2022
F.1(A)(25)RB/2024/1072 If the convocation is delayed, ensure timely degree distribution to students without any further delays. 27-02-2025
F.1(A)(1) RB/2025/1579 Timely Response to Correspondence from this Secretariat 28-03-2025